8 psychological reasons that make you attractive

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8 psychological reasons that make you attractive

Please, have you ever thought about what makes some people beautiful or what makes people see you as beautiful? There are some psychological reasons that explain why people find you fine and you might be surprised that it’s not just based on physical fine looks.

1- Your scent

Have you ever carried your partner’s favorite jacket before? Have you ever reasoned why it means so much to you and why it reminds you of them? It turns out that their natural scent plays a big role in their fine looks. Some kinds of smells can bring back important memories, but the sense of smell also involves the type of hormone called pheromones. According to one research done in 2013, we don’t know the entire role of pheromones for the human body, but we do know that it is connected to both the olfactory system and partner selection. Essentially, this one means that the smell of certain chemicals that your body gives off - often through sweat - can make you more attractive to some people.

2- Your chemistry

Have you ever had great chemistry with someone before? According to biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, romantic chemistry is directly linked to brain chemistry. Fisher talks about being attracted to someone, causing increased activity for certain neurotransmitters and hormonal systems, including dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and estrogen. So, when you meet someone and you’re feeling great and they’re drawn to them, it’s a sign that you have great chemistry and that person might also be drawn to you in the same way.

3- Your diet

Did you know that what you eat in front of someone can make you look more or less attractive? According to an article done for Brightside, research has shown that it applies more to men and that if men eat a healthier diet, it will make them more attractive. One research done by Andrea Zumiga and others in 2017 explains that a healthier diet consisting of fruits and vegetables makes men more attractive. There is an obvious notion that a healthy diet relates to good overall health, which is seen as favorable for a partner. But remember those pheromones? The research also shows that over time, a healthier diet can actually make men's smell more attractive. The more you eat fruits and vegetables, the more attractive you will be.

4- Body ratios

Did you know that people have been determining your fine looks based on certain body proportions? Things like symmetrical facial bone structure and hip to shoulder ratio can make some people look more attractive. According to Insider, we include body ratios for scientific reasons for this article, but we want you to know that all shapes and sizes are fine and attractive. While certain ratios have a biological and evolutionary advantage, it doesn’t mean other people can’t be fine.

5- Your proximity

You know that guy sitting next to you in class five years in a row or that girl in your family friend group you grew up with, have you ever liked them before? Being close to someone for long periods of time can make you more attractive. According to one article by Cheyenne Lentz from Insider, proximity can cause us to see people frequently, and thus become psychologically drawn to these people.

6- Your kindness

Kindness matters. According to Lindsey Dodson from Insider, when you put positive character traits beside a person photo, people will rate them better looking. When a person is kind, it will make them seem more likable. Being kind can show that you are a selfless and considerate person, and so you could be a great choice for a long-term relationship partner.

  7- Your character

Do you think opposites are attractive or is it better to be with someone who has many of the same character and interests as you? Some people may find you more attractive if you resemble them because it will show that you are trustworthy and they will be comfortable around you. But on the other hand, people themselves find differences and variation for character attractive. Research even talks about there being a genetic advantage to this when it comes to having children, but apart from that, a person can see your uniqueness as something that completes them. They’ll see your differences as something interesting, which can make you more attractive to them.

8- You take care of yourself

Have you heard the phrase, "you can't love someone until you love yourself"? Self-love and self-care is very important because it will ensure that your relationships are healthier and last longer. As an added bonus, showing self-love and self-care will even make you more attractive. When you eat healthy food, get enough sleep and exercise, it will show on your outside. When you look good and feel good, you will attract people to yourself.

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