7 signs you may be with the wrong person

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7 signs you may be with the wrong person
All men who date or want to date have doubts sometimes. It’s natural to ask yourself whether the person you’re with is the right person or not. So, are you worried about nothing or is there really something wrong with the relationship?

One: If you're always unhappy:
Remember that loving relationships are supposed to be enjoyable very well. If you’re always unhappy in the relationship, it could be that you’re with the wrong person. Especially if you’re unhappy even when you’re together or going on dates.

Two: If you are always stressed:
Apart from being unhappy, relationships can also be stressful. It’s natural to worry about your relationship from time to time, but if the stress is too much, it could mean something is wrong. Ask yourself whether the relationship is making you feel relaxed or causing anxiety and worry.

Three: If your expectations aren’t met:
Everyone has their own vision of the perfect partner they want, but it’s not always easy to see that person in real life. Sometimes, we’ll modify our expectations to fit the person we’re with. But how much do you want to modify? If you can't accept your partner's negative traits, it could mean you're with the wrong person.

Four: If you knew there was a problem from the beginning:
From the beginning of the relationship, you’ll know if something is off. Research has shown that people ignore negative traits for the beginning of the relationship. Sometimes, people will even ignore serious flaws. Think back to the beginning of the relationship and ask yourself whether you notice negative traits that have become worse as the relationship has progressed. It could be that you have left the honeymoon phase and they notice serious issues that you ignored before.

Five: Your gut is telling you something isn’t okay, but you can’t pinpoint it:
Sometimes it’s good to listen to your instinct. It’s not every time you can explain to yourself or your partner why you’re unhappy. If you’re hearing one tiny voice telling you that the person you’re with isn’t the right person, you can try listening to that voice. Even though our unconscious mind can tell us the correct thing we’re supposed to do, it doesn’t mean the message it’s giving us will be clear. Sometimes it’s good to just follow your belly.

Six: Your partner doesn’t have too much sense:
For one study published in the Journal of Family Psychology in 2004, researchers try to link certain personality traits to how happy married couples are. They found that certain traits can cause dissatisfaction in married couples, and one of the traits is low conscientiousness. Other traits that may cause dissatisfaction are high neuroticism and low agreeableness. If you’re reasoning that maybe you’re with the wrong person, ask yourself whether your partner has any of these traits. A person without sense will show it, meaning lazy people won’t make a better partner, but if you’re one of them, it doesn’t mean you can’t change.

Seven: One too is like:
You’ve heard the saying that opposites attract, but is there science backing it up? Well, according to a study done in 2007, it was found that when couples have a lot of personality similarities, it can affect their relationship and it won’t always be a positive one. As similar couples spend time together, the data suggests it is more likely to lead to problems than couples with different personalities. Researchers still find that couples with the same level of extraversion are even more likely to experience dissatisfaction later.
Other signs could include if you don’t share the same values, if you can’t be yourself around your partner, or if something just isn’t okay. But at the end of the day, you can only decide whether the person you’re with is the right or wrong person. Like we talked about before, sometimes you just need to follow your instinct and emotions. Even though these points can help you, it’s still important that you find your own reason for such a big decision.

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