16 laws of psychological power

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Welcome today we are going to learn about 16 laws of psychological power


Number one: If you want to have power in your hands, it’s not just about having a good work ethic, you need to stand out. Sometimes, even if you work tirelessly, people may not still recognize your work. The people who have power and success are those who know how to work hard and get recognition. If you don’t stand out, you’ll just blend into the background, and your work will be forgotten. So, take every opportunity to showcase yourself, and prove that you know how to work. If you stand out, you can achieve your goals before other people.

Number two: If you want to have power in a conversation or negotiation, don’t reveal your intentions. For example, if you’re buying a car from a dealership, and the salesman has shown you one car you really like, don’t just show your interest anyhow, because if you do, the salesman will just use your interest against you, and will increase the price. But if you don’t show that you really like the car, you have power for the conversation, and the salesman will want to convince you to buy from him, and he’ll even reduce the price. So, hide your intentions for every conversation, have the power for the conversation, and always be in control. Just give people small details that will keep them interested, but keep your true intentions to yourself.

Number three: If someone wants to argue with you, don’t just waste your time arguing. Even if you win the argument, it still won’t mean anything. If you really want to gain power, your actions are what will speak louder than your words. Your behavior will convince more people than any argument. If someone wants to argue with you, just let them argue, don't join. If a person wants to defend himself, let him not dent his own ego.

Number four: The more you talk, the less value your talk will have. So, let you talk only when necessary. If you talk less, you’ll have more power in your words, and people will know that when you talk, you’re talking about important things. If you talk too much, you can make worthless mistakes. Some people will just talk nonsense, and will even leak secrets or make promises they can’t keep. But if you’re mindful of what you say, you can avoid these kinds of mistakes, and every word you say will have power.

Number five: Have confidence, your road will be bumpy, things will go wrong and you will fail. People will tell you to stop, even your own mind will be doing you one kind. But if you don’t give up, you will gain power that will make you better. So build confidence in yourself, let the little things you do well make you believe you can do better. Let every small win give you the strength to pass the next obstacle. This power is not just about how you relate to people, it is also about how you motivate yourself.

Number six: It’s better to hire your enemies instead of your friends. Friends can be dangerous when you want to make progress. We overlook their mistakes and put too much trust in their hands. Just when you think you know someone, it will just betray you and ruin your career. Instead of making friends who can betray you, hire enemies. You may not like them but their loyalty will be strong. Enemies will show you loyalty because they want to prove they can be good people. Friends are important in your life but they can spoil your plans.

Number seven: People are selfish, don’t expect them to help you for nothing. People will only help you if they have something they want to gain. If they don’t gain anything, you won’t get anything. Anytime you want to ask someone for a favor, they don’t form nice or thankful. Talk to their self-interest, explaining how they will benefit from your help. Make them understand that they can solve their own problems with your help. If a person thinks they’ll benefit, it’s easier to do you the favor.

Number eight: don’t promise too much or commit too much, it could get you in trouble. You will be trapped in one side and if the team fails, you will fail too. That's why powerful people are not too committed, they stay open to different options so they can take advantage of any situation. They stay on top because they’re only committed to themselves.

Number nine: don’t show off your intelligence too much, make people feel sensible. Sometimes you’ll need to pretend you don’t know so they feel smart. Most people don’t care about how intelligent you are, they care about their own brain power. If you make them feel smart, they’ll like you and you won’t make enemies.

Number ten: respect and support your bosses, they can help you climb the ladder. Don’t try to show that you pass them, make them feel like they’re in control. If you support them, they will support you when the opportunity presents itself. Sometimes you’ll need to make them feel like they have a sense of humor, even if you’re the one doing the work. Don't forget to support your bosses if you want to succeed.

Number eleven: focus on your strengths and specialize, it will be able to help you succeed. Don’t try to do itmany things at once, find one thing you know best and concentrate on it. If you specialize, you will be able to build talent that no one else can have. If you want to build psychological power, focus on one thing and invest yourself fully. It can be risky but the reward can be much more.

Number twelve: don’t talk too much about how hard you work, make it look easy. Even if you work hard very well, there isn’t too much to show it. Make people believe that it is easy for you, it will help you gain psychological power. Don’t forget how hard you work but don’t need the whole world to know.

Number thirteen: There is a big shadow when you follow a person who has made a name, you will need to wear his big shoes, this can thing fit hard very well. It may look like a great opportunity but it has as it is, if someone who left before you did better things, you will need to do more than what he did so they can recognize you. If the work you want to do is too much, it might be a little hard though, so don’t try to follow a legend wearing his shoes, instead, try to be a person who will help your team when they want to fail, if you can fill the space when person when fail leave, it will make your own success shine very well.

Number fourteen: Don't get angry when someone hurts you, anger causes trouble in your mind when you are going up. If a person can make you angry, it means they have carried your power away, they know they have hit you for your weak point so they will still push you. Instead of being angry, try to avoid the person and not send him anything, it is better than anger. When you don’t show anger, it will hurt the person very well because it will force them to find ways to catch your attention. If a person carries anger carried away, it will make him unable to think well and make it easier for people who want to use him to do something wrong.

Number fifteen: Time is a power that many people don’t know how to use well. People who know how to manage time well don’t let busy days cause them to lose control. They work very well and don’t rush anything, even if they are working on top of many things. They look calm and patient because if you rush, it can make everything scatter. Instead of being controlled by time, try to control your time so that you can control your power.

Number sixteen: They say good things don’t cost anything but if you want to have power, sometimes you’ll need to spend money on top of important things. Some things are important and it would make sense to pay money for them, even if it’s just the name or title. They’ll be able to help you gain power beyond anything money can buy. It’s good not to spend money on things that aren’t important in your personal life but if you want to climb up, don’t try to cut corners.

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