Mindful Eating

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 Hello everyone, today I want to talk about mindful eating. Mindful eating is important for our health and wellbeing. Let me tell you what mindful eating is first. Mindful eating is as you eat, you concentrate on what you are eating, how you are eating it and what you are feeling in the body as you are eating it. It’s a way to eat while observing what you’re doing and what’s happening in your body.

Most of the time, we eat without even knowing we’re eating. We can be eating and watching TV or chatting with someone. This type of eating leads to overeating and can lead to health problems like obesity and high blood pressure. But with mindful eating, you’ll be able to eat when you know you’ve eaten and you’ll be enjoying it perfectly. You will also be listening to your body very well and know when you are full.

To begin their practice of mindful eating, you can start by eating smaller portions. You can use a small plate so you don’t eat too much. As you eat, you can observe the color, texture, and taste of the food. You will also be chewing the food thoroughly so that it is easier for your stomach to digest. You'll take your time eating, don't hurry. You can even put down the fork or spoon in between bites so that you can take your time eating.

Another thing when you can do is avoid distractions when you’re eating. It could be TV, phone or even work when you carry home. You can choose to eat in a quiet place or with people when you know you won’t be disturbed.

Mindful eating is a better way to take care of yourself. It will help you eat better and avoid overeating. You’ll also appreciate the food when you’re eating and it will help you enjoy it better. You’ll also be listening to your body very well and know when you’re full.

That’s right, let’s practice mindful eating. Chop well, don't hurry. Enjoy your food well and listen to your body. It’s a better way to take care of yourself.

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