Goal Setting and Achieving

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Ah, goal setting and achieving are very important in life. If we don’t have an aim for what we want to achieve in our lives, we can end up going around in circles without progress. But setting goals is not the end of the matter, we need to put action towards the goal in order to achieve it.

First thing we’re going to do is define what we want to achieve. It could be something personal like losing weight or something professional like getting a promotion at work. We need to make sure the goal we want to set is SMART. What is SMART? It means that the goal is supposed to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Let’s take for example that we want to lose weight. The goal is suppose to be specific like "I want to lose 10kg." It’s supposed also to be able to measure it, like we can weigh ourselves for the beginning and the end of the goal. The goal is suppose to be achievable and realistic. Lastly, the goal is suppose to have a time limit like "I will lose 10kg for 3 months."

After we’ve defined our goal, we need to make a plan on how we’re going to achieve it. We can break the goal into small, achievable steps that will help us reach the larger goal. For example, if we want to lose 10kg in 3 months, we can set a target for how many kg we will lose for each week or month.

Another thing that can help us achieve our goal is to hold ourselves accountable. We can tell our friend or family members about the goal and ask them to help us keep track of our progress. We can also reward ourselves for each milestone we achieve. It can be something as small as treating ourselves to ice cream or something as big as buying ourselves something we’ve been wanting.

As we work towards the goal, we need to make sure we’re motivated. It can be hard to stay motivated when the goal looks far away or takes a long time, but we can do some things that will help us. For example, we can read stories about people who have achieved similar goals or we can visualize how we’ll feel when we achieve the goal.

In conclusion, goal setting and achieving is a key part of life. We need to define our goals, make plans on how we’re going to achieve them, hold ourselves accountable, and stay motivated. With these things, we can achieve anything we want to achieve for our life.

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