13 Questions to Ask a Drug or Alcohol Rehab Center

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What’s the question you’re supposed to ask when you want to find a program that will help you get out of addiction? It’s important that you find a program that matches your personality and the kind of addiction you have, so consider the following questions:

1- Are there doctors, nurses and counselors experienced for your kind of addiction?

2- Do they provide 24/7 nursing care and will create a plan that works for you as an individual?

3- How is detox treated? Are they using medicine or natural ways?

4- How will any underlying medical conditions be treated, or if you have another illness joined?

5- Will individual or group counseling be done?

6- Will they provide wellness counseling?

7- How many days does rehab last and is it going to be both male and female facility?

8- Will extra activities be provided?

9- Will they offer a family therapy session?

10- Are they committed to long term outpatient treatment?

11- How much will it cost?

12- Will your insurance cover the treatment and prescription drugs?

13- Do they have a high success rate?

If you have answered all of these questions, you can believe that you have found the correct addiction recovery program. You still need to find a community where you will live for an extended period of time. That’s why it’s important that you find the right rehab program that works for you.

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