Understanding Mental Health

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 My people, let's take a little time to talk about something that is important to us all - Mental Health.

First of all, what is mental health? It means that our mental and emotional well-being is okay. It means we can manage stress, we can handle different emotions and we won’t suffer from depression, anxiety or any other mental illness.

Let’s not lie, for some people, mental health is a taboo topic. They feel that if they talk about it, people will think they’re crazy or have no sense. But it’s not like that, let’s not be ashamed to talk about our mental health.

We all have mental health, and just like how we look after our physical health, we’re supposed to look after our mental health too. It’s not only when we break a leg or have a fever that we go to the hospital, we can also see a doctor or counselor for a mental health matter.

Mental health is not a juju matter, it has a cause and it has a treatment. One of the causes can be genetic, where a person can inherit mental illness from his father or mother. Another cause could be environmental, like if a person is experiencing a lot of stress or trauma in their life. Even drug and alcohol abuse can also cause mental illness.

Some signs that a person is struggling with their mental health can include: feeling sad or anxious for a long time, hearing or seeing things that others can’t see or hear, or even feeling like harming yourself or others.

If you notice that you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t suffer it alone. It can be hard to talk about it, but it helps if you open up to someone you trust. It could be a friend, family member, or even a counselor or doctor. They will be able to help you find treatment and support.

For some people, treatment may involve medication, while for others it may involve therapy or counseling. It’s important to note that not every mental illness requires medication. Sometimes talk therapy can be the best treatment.

Let’s not be ashamed to talk about mental health matters, let’s not feel alone. Plenty of people struggle with their mental health, and it doesn’t mean they’re insane or crazy. It means they need support and treatment like how we would need treatment if we broke a leg or got malaria.

As we work towards physical fitness, let’s not forget that mental fitness is also important. May we check on ourselves and our loved ones, may we be ready to seek help if we need it. It will help us live better lives and be happier.

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