Types of Mental Health Disorders

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 Hey guys! It’s good to know about different types of mental health problems that exist. You know, mental health is as important as physical health. That’s why it’s good to know about different types of mental health disorders so we can know what to do if we notice that we or someone we know has any of them.

First one is anxiety disorders. This is when a person is afraid of things that are not suppose to be feared or a person is too worried. It can cause tremors, sweating or even a heart attack.

Another one is depression. It can make a person sad or down for a long period of time. They don’t enjoy things they used to enjoy before and they don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything.

Third one is bipolar disorder. This one is when a person has extreme mood swings, which means they can be happy one moment and very sad the next. It can even make a person do some things that don’t make sense.

Fourth one with schizophrenia. This is a serious mental health problem. It can cause a person to hear voices that are not there or it can cause a person to see things that are not there. It can make a person confused or even believe things that don’t make sense.

Lastly is eating disorders. This one is when a person has unhealthy eating habits. It can cause a person to overeat or even undereat. It can make a person very conscious about their body and their weight.

If you or someone you know has any of these mental health concerns, it’s important that you seek professional help. Don’t be ashamed to talk about mental health and to see mental health professionals. They can help you manage the problem and can even cure it.

Remember, mental health is an important part of overall health, let’s take it seriously. Make us aware of different types of mental health disorders and make us ready to seek help if we need it

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