Bipolar disorder definition

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Bipolar disorder, also known as "manic depression", is a mental health condition that affects many people around the world. It causes mood swings which can range from very high to very low. The person with bipolar disorder may experience different mood states within a short period of time, or may experience one mood state for many months before it changes to the other.

For the "mania" or "hypomania" state, the person may feel very happy or excited, have plenty of energy and no need for sleep. They can talk a lot, do things that don’t make sense and don’t think about the consequences of their actions. For the "depression" state, the person may feel sad, hopeless, and tired all the time. He may lose interest in the things he enjoyed before and may even think about suicide.

It’s not easy for a person with bipolar disorder because it can affect their relationships, school or work, and even the way they live their life. They may even face stigma and discrimination which can make them feel worse.

The cause of bipolar disorder is not yet fully understood, but researchers have discovered that genetics, environment and chemical imbalances in the brain may play a role in the development of the condition.

It is important for a person with bipolar disorder to see a doctor or mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment. They can take medication, attend therapy sessions, or make lifestyle changes that can help them manage their symptoms.

If you know someone who has bipolar disorder or think you do, it’s not embarrassing to talk about it. It will help you make informed decisions that can improve your mental health. There are plenty of people living with bipolar disorder and they can live healthy and fulfilling lives with the right treatment and support.
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